Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes

Text Quotes
Four sweet lips, two pure souls, and one undying affection, these are love’s pretty ingredients for a kiss (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
What a man knows should find its expression in what he does. The value of superior knowledge is chiefly in of that it leads to a performing manhood (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Most books fail, not so much from a want of ability in their authors, as from an absence in their productions of a thorough development of their ability (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Motives are better than actions. Men drift into crime. Of evil they do more than they contemplate, and of good they contemplate more than they do (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
We should round every day of stirring action with an evening of thought. We learn nothing of our experience except we muse upon it (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The use we make of our fortune determines its sufficiency. A little is enough if used wisely, and too much if expended foolishly (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The opinions of the misanthropical rest upon this very partial basis, that they adopt the bad faith of a few as evidence of the worthlessness of all (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The light in the world comes principally from two sources, the sun, and the student’s lamp (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
It may almost be held that the hope of commercial gain has done nearly as much for the cause of truth as even the love of truth (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
How like a railway tunnel is the poor man’s life, with the light of childhood at one end, the intermediate gloom, and only the glimmer of a future life at the other extremity! (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Weakness ineffectually seeks to disguise itself, like a drunken man trying to show how sober he is (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
There is great beauty in going through life fearlessly. Half our fears are baseless, the other half discreditable (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Poverty is only contemptible when it is felt to be so. Doubtless the best way to make our poverty respectable is to seem never to feel it as an evil (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Intellectually, as politically, the direction of all true progress is towards greater freedom, and along an endless succession of ideas (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Merit is never so conspicuous as when coupled with an obscure origin, just as the moon never appears so lustrous as when it emerges from a cloud (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
A genuine passion is like a mountain stream; it admits of no impediment; it cannot go backward; it must go forward (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
There are none so low but that they have their triumphs. Small successes suffice for small souls (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Constant companionship is not enjoyable, any more than constant eating. We sit too long at the table of friendship, when we outsit our appetites for each other’s thoughts (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
At the best, sarcasms, bitter irony, scathing wit, are a sort of swordplay of the mind. You pink your adversary, and he is forthwith dead; and then you deserve to be hung for it (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The method of the enterprising is to plan with audacity and execute with vigor; to sketch out a map of possibilities, and then to treat them as probabilities (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The most brilliant flashes of wit come from a clouded mind, as lightning leaps only from an obscure firmament (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The more gross the fraud, the more glibly will it go down, and the more greedily will it be swallowed, since folly will always find faith wherever impostors will find impudence (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Love delights in paradoxes. Saddest when it has most reason to be gay, sighs are the signs of its deepest joy, and silence is the expression of its yearning tenderness (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Qualities not regulated run into their opposites. Economy before competence is meanness after it. Therefore economy is for the poor; the rich may dispense with it (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Next to being witty yourself, the best thing is being able to quote another’s wit (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Even when we fancy we have grown wiser, it is only, it may be, that new prejudices have displaced old ones (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)